MBA Fall Meeting Minutes

Mass Bluebird Association Fall 2009 Minutes

Massachusetts Bluebird Association


Fifteen Massachusetts Bluebird Association members met at Rick Galat’s rustic woodland cabin in Winchendon, Ma on October 17, 2009. Our hosts, Jane and Ed Galat, had the cabin nice and warm for us when we arrived after an invigorating walk down the woodland road. We shared experiences of the past year with old friends and met new ones during an informal discussion period before the business meeting was called to order.

MBA President Henry Denton called the meeting to order at 12:00 noon. MBA’s treasurer Gwen Newton-Denton reported a balance of $4,220.50 in our checking account. She reported eight new members joined MBA and nine bluebirders renewed their memberships during the past year. MBA now has 46 current paid up members.

Henry introduced Tamara Barbasch from Florence, Ma; Bill Apgar

from Medway, and Betty and Lionel MacDonald from So. Windsor Ct.

Tamara and Bill attended the 2009 NABS National convention in Pa.

Tamara will prepare a report for the MBA website. She mentioned that the 2010 NABS gathering will be in Ontario.

Tamara Barbasch, Bill Apgar, George Brouillette and Lionel

MacDonald, were voted unanimously as new board members.

Henry reviewed Haleya Priest’s e-mail in which she suggested ‘we need to seek volunteers’. An enthusiastic discussion among the attendees ensued. Many excellent suggestions were brought forth including outreach to prospective members, maintaining the membership directory up-to-date and, most important, establishing and maintaining communication with the members. Other ideas were: provide education about bluebirds, ensuring the newsletter is published periodically. Establish a method for MBA members to communicate. Hart will look at tools to encourage discussion such as a list serve exclusively for MBA members, a MBA BLOG, etc.

Lionel gave a presentation of the pros and cons of several styles of bluebird boxes and showed examples of each.

Lionel and Betty donated a feeder for a door prize which Jane Galat won.

The 2009 Massachusetts Bluebird Association fall meeting adjourned at 3:00 p.m.

Nan Towle-Millett

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